Some questions you might have ...

Here are some of the most common questions Roman Catholics ask about Eastern Catholic churches:

1. Are Eastern Catholics really Catholic? Do they follow the Pope?

Yes, Eastern Catholics are fully Catholic and in communion with the Pope. They recognize papal authority while maintaining their own distinct liturgical, theological and spiritual traditions.

2. Can Roman Catholics attend Eastern Catholic liturgies and receive Communion?

Yes, Roman Catholics can fully participate in Eastern Catholic liturgies and receive Communion, as the churches are in full communion. In our Byzantine church, the Precious Body and Blood are given to each communicant by means of a spoon. Here's what you need to know to receive at Holy Protection Denver.

  • Cross  your hands over your chest
  • Give the priest your name
  • Open your mouth wide and tilt you head back
  • Don't stick out your tongue
  • Don't close your mouth on the spoon

3. In what ways do Eastern Catholic practices differ from Roman Catholic practices?

Here are some key differences you will probably notice:

  • Leavened bread is used for the Eucharist instead of unleavened hosts
  • Communion can be given to infants and children who have been baptized and chrismated
  • Priests can be married (if married before ordination)
  • Liturgical calendar and feast days are different
  • Icons and incense are used more extensively in worship
  • Different vestments and church architecture

4. Why do Eastern Catholic babies receive Communion?

The normal form of Christian Initiation in the Eastern Churches includes Baptism, Chrismation, and Communion. Anyone fully initiated into the Catholic Church may welcome to receive Communion once a day at any Catholic Eucharist, provide they are properly disposed, including baptised and chrismated children who have not reached the age of reason. 

5. Are Eastern Catholic saints different from Roman Catholic saints?

Eastern Catholics venerate many saints unfamiliar to Western Christians, but saints canonized by Rome are generally accepted by Eastern Catholics, as well, even if they do not have a place in the Eastern calendars.